Library of Congress

Library of Congress

Tragedy or Comedy [pinit]  Do you know what attracted me to this view of the interior of the Library of Congress? It’s all in the frame, but I’ll point out the three elements. The first is the sign at the base of the stairs prohibiting photography.  Apparently, you’d not permitted to take photos in the…

National Park Pictures

National Park Pictures

National Park Pictures [pinit] I need to spend more of my traveling time taking national park pictures, such as this one from Zion National Park.  To be honest, I’ve only taken one trip specifically to Zion for some photographs.  The rest of my national park pictures have been side-trips. Maybe part of the plan, but…

Florida Sunrise

Florida Sunrise

Florida Sunrise [pinit] I am a few weeks away from going back to my favorite place to watch a Florida sunrise. Sanibel/Captiva is one of those places where you can just give in to relaxation.  The most adventurous sport on the island is searching the beach for seashells. Even that sounds like too much work…

Patio Furniture

Disney Patio Furniture

More Disney Patio Furniture There is a ton of Disney patio furniture spread around Walt Disney World, and most of it is rather uncomfortable to me. This restaurant breaks the mold.  It’s colorful, peaceful and set away from the flow of traffic.  Unless someone brings a screaming child back here (and that’s a distinct possibility), it…

Enola Gay

Enola Gay

The Enola Gay is a tangible piece of history. I was in awe of this flying machine when I first saw it at the Udvar-Hazy National Air and Space Museum. It was on my bucket list for a photo. Here’s how I got the shot I wanted. Planning to Shoot the Enola Gay Indoors This…