convert to black and white

5 Creative Reasons to Convert to Black and White (and when COLOR rocks!)

Converting to black and white is always an option, but when are the right times to do it? Check out this video to learn 5 creative reasons to convert to black and white. You Should Convert to Black and White When the Time is Right Not every photo works well if you convert to black…

Photography Challenges That Actually Help You Improve

Photography Challenges That Actually Help You Improve

Are there any photography challenges that actually help you improve your craft? I see a lot of photo challenges that emphasizes taking a picture every day for a year, every week, etc. What does that actually do for you? In this article, we’ll help you understand what you should expect from a photography challenge and…

Knowing When to Ignore Color

Knowing When to Ignore Color Will Make Your Photos Stronger

Knowing When to Ignore Color Creates Stronger Photos Should your photos be in Color or Black & White? Knowing when to ignore color can help you create stronger photos by embracing the mood or emotion needed to tell your story. Sometimes color is a distraction. Eliminating color can simplify your photos to reveal an entirely…