Does Photography Make You Anxious or Excited?

Does Photography Make You Anxious or Excited?

Why does photography make you anxious or excited? You’ve probably felt it before, and perhaps been confused by the way your body reacts when you’re taking photos. Sometimes photography makes you feel very peaceful, yet other times feel stressful. What’s the difference and why does it happen? Why Does Photography Cause Anxiety? Photography is like…

Getting Hassled for Photography in a Public Place

Getting Hassled for Photography in a Public Place

Getting hassled for photography in a public place isn’t something that happens to me very often, but it’s always frustrating when it does. That’s because photography isn’t a crime and anyone in a public place has no expectation of privacy. So why do some people think they have a right to hassle photographers when we…

Ten Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Photography

Ten Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Photography

The reason we’re sharing Ten Things You Wish You Knew Before Starting Photography is because we want to help new photographers avoid some of the surprises and mistakes many of us make along the way. Photography is rewarding, but there are a lot of aspects that you may not know about when you get started. Ten…