Two Sides Of The Vinales Valley Sunset
Vinales valley is an agricultural region on the western tip of Cuba in the Pinar Del Rio province. It’s a place that’s simple, peaceful, and absolutely swarming with tourist buses.
Vinales valley is an agricultural region on the western tip of Cuba in the Pinar Del Rio province. It’s a place that’s simple, peaceful, and absolutely swarming with tourist buses.
I have never invested time in street photography. Some people love it, and I understand that interest. You go out and never know what you’re going to get. It’s like street photography is the Forest Gump of all photography. So that’s what we did in Havana.
I’m told it’s the world’s longest public bench, the Havana Malecon. It’s a seawall that runs about five miles, providing a gathering place for families, fishermen, lovers, and Cubans who just want to hang out. A Week in Cuba I’m back from a week in Cuba with Joe McNally and Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. For…
Every once in a while, I’ll read a post on social media from a photographer friend who is just having a miserable time. My reply is usually “You must suffer for your art.” I know I have, even when my art sucks.
Travel photography is a joy when everything works. I’m fortunate. Most of the time, my trips have little more than a minor disruption and I never considered why you need travel insurance. Now I’m glad I bought it for my next trip.
I spent time over the weekend processing my Jade Mountain HDR panorama and it reminded me of something I said about the workshop Joe McNally hosted in St. Lucia. It’s a good place to fail. This was my first time trying to process HDR panorama photos, so I made some mistakes along the way. That’s…